Erin’s Story

Erin’s Story

Erin’s story, by her mum, Rachel

Erin was a IUI baby as she has 2 Mummies. She was conceived on the second attempt and was carried by her Mummy Hannah. We knew very early on that she had Down Syndrome. Her screening results came back at 1 in 3 chance.

Our thoughts and feelings at that the were only around concern for our unborn child and the struggles he or she may have to face in life. There was never any question about whether we would end the pregnancy. We shared our news with my 2 older children who were 10 and 14, at the time, and they were completely unfazed, and only excited to meet their new sibling.

We were offered an amniocentesis which we declined. At 37 weeks, there were concerns regarding our baby’s growth, so labour was induced and 2 days later she made an appearance. I fell in love with her from the first scan, but she completely stole my heart the moment I saw her! And she has held it ever since!

We had a few health scares, in the first few years. She was born with a small hole in the heart but this resolved very quickly. Her weakness was her respiratory system. Every year we ended up in hospital with pneumonia or RSV. She also had rotavirus and a very nasty and rare form of hand foot and mouth known as coxsackie virus. But she has bounced back 10 times stronger, every time, and is now a strong, healthy, resilient, energetic pocket rocket.

Erin attends mainstream school where she has thrived. Despite being behind her peers, intellectually, she has formed amazing bonds with them and is a huge personality around her school. She has an incredible lust for life, a wonderful sense of humour and loves people, Nintendo, music and dancing.

She loves books, and her reading and writing is developing year on year. Her favourite food is roast dinner or jacket potato, and her favourite sweet is chocolate! Erin now lives between 2 homes as her Mummies split up when she was 5, and she now has a step Mummy too!

She keeps us on our toes and never fails to bring a smile. I am so honoured and blessed to be her Mummy and I treasure every moment with her. I can’t wait to see how she continues to develop and where her journey will take her. I will always be a few steps behind her to encourage her with whatever she wants to do, because I know she will always give it her all.